Friday, April 26, 2013

To be honest

There's a new post below.

I wasn't going to do a whatever post for this week, just because I'm so far behind on things (the blog and real life things.) But then I decided to take a second and be honest so you guys are aware of what's going on.

The blog is not and will not be a top priority to me. It kind of kills me to say that, because I remember when the blog was a huge priority to me, and I had posts written way ahead of time and everything was on schedule. I feel guilty saying that because I know a lot of people like to read it (and I really do appreciate it!) but the fact is, there's just not enough time in the day for it to be a priority, and when I do get some me time... Well I don't usually feel like writing.

I think I've mentioned before that I watch my neighbors two kids during the day. It's been far harder than I imagined it would be. I knew going from two kids to four would be harder, obviously, but I've watched more before (my friend has six kids, and I have baby-sat five of hers with two of mine.) I don't want to talk badly about anyone, but one of her children is a handful to say the least, and nothing she or I do seems to help the behavior. He is young, I get it, but it's very trying. I also think his behavior affects my kids behavior. My kids are NO perfect, and certainly have their own moments of terror, but it seems to get worse when he is around. Eli is also becoming a bit of a terror and I can't say it's not just his personality (and his age, as we're heading into three territory, and I hate the threes), but part of me does wonder if he wouldn't be so bad if the other child wasn't around.

I don't know if it's the weather, or if it's the fact that they're tired of being inside after a long winter (we'll get a day of awesome weather followed by flurries and cold rain.) But it seems like they've been especially on the rampage lately. I've decided I need to sit down with Jeremy and we really need to hammer our a concrete list of punishments and rewards and then follow through with them.

Anyway, on top of being sick last week, I feel like I've been running non-stop, putting out fires and dealing with trying to catch up on all the stuff that didn't get done when I was sick. You guys have been nothing but understanding and I really appreciate that, but I just wanted to let you know that I am trying to keep up - but it is hard. I was hoping to get the second post up this weekend to catch up from what I missed, but I just found out I'll have both kids this weekend again. So please, just bear with me.


  1. Totally understand how taking care of multiple children (as if just 1 isn't enough alone) takes up ample amounts of both time & energy. That's not to mention husbands (sometimes resemble larger-size children, depending on the day and situation), housework, and taking care of all the other duties required to run a household and take care of a family. We get it; don't feel guilty, pressured, or conflicted about it. You do a fantastic job on this blog, and there's certainly no time limits on postings. Besides, if it becomes TOO much of a worry-producing chore for you, you're not going to want to do it at all. Take it easy, and know that readers understand you have a life to manage, above all else.

  2. Totally agree with the person above me, I think your readers understand and thank you for taking time out of you day/life to write a blog for us. I personally don't have kids but I do have a younger sister that I often watch and know how much time and engery taking care of kiddos take. I am a fan on pinterest on I saw this on there and I thought I would link it to see if it helps you a bit.

    (Not trying to take credit for somebody's else blog but I thought it might be helpful for you.
