Thursday, August 16, 2012

The boys!

I'm assuming most of you have followed me over from the old blog (and thank you for doing that!) I used to share pictures and stories of the boys, and so I'd like to do that again (and no, it won't replace normal posts)

Eli will be two end of November. He's walking and talking a little (his favorite words are spiderman and batman.) His reflux is gone, thank goodness, and we're working on moving him out of our bed into his own (we co-slept since he was born practically.) We call him our spider goat monkey baby. The monkey part because he climbs everything, the spider part because again, he climbs everything and we joke he'd probably could climb a flat wall like a spider if he wanted, and the goat part is because he eats EVERYTHING (and tries to eat several non-food items) He's blue eyed just like his big brother, and his has the cutest curly hair.


Cayden, believe it or not, will be FOUR!!! End of September. For some reason with Eli I see view him as my baby (maybe because he's so much smaller than Cayden still.) Cayden, however, is the opposite, and to me he grows so quickly. He starts preschool on September 5th, which is insane. He's my talker - he talks non-stop, and he's so smart (and often times that gets him in to trouble.) He makes me laugh and is such a clown. I post things on my facebook page that I call Caydenisms - just crazy things he says. I can't remember any of the top of my head (probably because it's late) but I'll have to write some here sometime. He loves to be read to, and he's crazy active. He loves it when I let him cook. He is all boy and has an insane amount of energy. He is superhero obsessed, especially batman.


and then here they both are:



  1. OMGoodness they are getting big. Sorry, but Cayden has def lost that "baby" look and looks like a little boy. So dear. And Eli's hair! Wow! Too cute. Cayden didn't have light curly hair like that did he? Thanks for sharing the pics. I'm sure they keep you on your toes! mum

  2. That bottom picture of them together is possibly the cutest pic I've ever seen. I LOVE Eli's hair. They are both so adorable.

  3. Thanks guys! And Mum, sadly I agree - there is no baby about Cayden anymore. It's funny because when I was pregnant with Eli I joined a birth board online (for anyone who doesn't know, it's an internet forum with people due the same month you are) and became friends with a few ladies. They are all OMG my baby looks so big! And I don't really feel that way about Eli - I feel like he's still SUCH a baby. But when I look at Cayden, I'm like, Holy Crap when did he get so big? He's feet are giant! And Cayden had blonde hair and it kind of curled, but nothing to that extent - mainly when it got long it curled on the edges. Cayden's hair still is blond-ish but it's getting darker.

    And Rory, thank you! I have a lot of cute photos of them together, I'll share some next time.

  4. wow they are just too cute, love eli's cheeks.

    I am soooooooooo glad he got rid of his reflux, i remember your posts & how much that tormented you because of all the pain he was in. I had reflux before i had surgery so i know what it was like on a teen/adult nm on a baby who doesn't know much yet.
