Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To have or not to have?

Someone asked me to continue doing Whatever Wednesdays, and I'd like too - I like mindlessly rambling and catching you up on random things and posting pictures of my insanely gorgeous (insanely crazy) boys.

Lately I've been thinking about a third child. Originally, when I was growing up, I always thought I'd have four kids. You know, back when you planned down to the tee what your grown up life would be, and you thought it would just magically turn out like that? (I'd get married, work for a few years, enjoy my husband, get pregnant, quit my job, have two boys and two girls - two sets of twins, naturally. We'd have a pretty nice house where the neighborhood kids would always hang out but were never annoying. Despite my house being the hang out spot, it was always clean, and I got a full nights sleep every night.)

Then I grew up, and you know, life happened. Babies are cute, sure. They're also loud, dirty, smelly, needy, expensive, germy, time consuming little things who don't even speak your language. Raising kids is hard - you're basically a slave only everyone wants to tell you that you should be happy about it because children are such a blessing.

Wait, this was a post about me wanting a third baby, right? Right. I'm sort of kidding about all of the above. I say sort of, because what I said is true - I don't think anyone realizes how hard having kids is until they have them (I know, I know, childless people HATE it when people say that. Sorry, but it's another being that is totally dependent on you for EVERYTHING and is also hell-bent on killing itself most of the time it's awake.) I guess my point is, after I had Cayden, it was hard, but I knew I still wanted a second. After having Elijah, though, things became a little murky - all I knew is that there most certainly would not be four. I told myself I didn't have to decide now, and that even if I DID decide, until I actually got pregnant I could always change my mind. I had time. Now I feel like that time is running out.

OK, I know people roll their eyes when I say time is running out. I don't mean that I'm getting old - because I'm not (Well, I am getting there, but I'm not there yet). I still probably have many baby making years left (I say probably because you never know, but I think it would be safe to make that assumption based on my age alone.)And technically, since Jeremy is a man, he has plenty of time left. But, he is older (36 this year) and he doesn't want to be almost 60 when his kid graduates high school.

There's also the fact that I already have kids, and I want them close-ish in age for a couple reasons: I was close in age with my brother and sister, and while we had some of the worst fights ever, we also had some of the best times ever. I also try not to judge other peoples parenting decisions, but one thing I just don't understand is why people choose to have a HUGE age gap in children. It's their lives of course (and I know sometimes it's not always planned) but I don't have any desire to get my children to a place where they are more independent and I have more free time, only to start all over again. Cayden is getting to a place where he is more independent. He's in school part time, and he might be starting school full time this fall (that's a decision we're still mulling over) He can go to the potty by himself, wipe his own butt (I mention this because this milestone is bigger than potty training, I think), get himself dressed. We're working on potty training Eli.

So basically, I feel like if we are going to have a third, we should have it soon. So, what's stopping me?

Money, for one. We can afford another - but it would mean making cuts. Not huge ones, but little things - things to some that might not matter (maybe taking less vacations, or less fancy vacations, things of that nature.)

Time. My family is just starting to be comfortable watching two kids at once. If we have a third, we'll probably never get any time alone together. And there is the fact that we are heading into independence land for the kids - we aren't quite there yet, but we're getting there. I'd be starting all over.

I'd be a liar if I said the sex of the baby didn't matter. It does. I love my boys, and it's not that I'd mind another boy, but I think it might kill me to have three boys. I'm not trying to make this into a "which sex is more difficult" debate - children are difficult no matter what. But my boys are your typical rough and tumble, high energy, get into all kinds of trouble boys. Two of them are a handful with Jeremy and I both with them. Three of them and we're outnumbered. (Though I could get a girl and she could totally end up being just as rough and tumble as my boys)

Basically, I have a long list of why I shouldn't have third baby. And only one reason to have one: I want one. I don't feel like we're done yet, and I can't imagine never being pregnant again, never holding my newborn baby for the first time... Ect.

This isn't a pregnancy announcement or anything - it's not even a "I'm tyring to have a baby!" announcement. It's just wondering... For those of you who have kids, what was your decision process like?


  1. Hmm interesting question, I have two children, boy and a girl. I think had I not had one of each I def. would have went for a girl, just "because". (Yes I know that's not an answer but its true, no real reason...just I wanted one of each) I knew I wanted two, my brother and I are 5 yrs apart, (my mom lost some between us) but I hated how far apart we were, and we fought like cats and dogs.
    I think your background, and history play a big part of how many children you have, and when in your life you have them and sometimes...I think life in general just takes over and you decide what is best for you and your family in this "non-perfect" life of ours :)

  2. I don't have children (I'm not entirely sure I ever will), but I imagine it's one of those gut things. Like, I really want a puppy (I know this may sound ridiculous, but I equate the two), but I know I can't care for one like I would want to now. So, I've promised myself I'll get one when I'm ready. And when I feel ready, I will act. If you want a bigger family, have one. I see no fault in wanting to surround yourself with babies. As long as you can afford (reasonably, I don't think millionaires can really even afford babies) and care for the nugget, why not make a happy addition. And if you decide not to, so be it. I think having children is a really personal decision, and I am bothered by how family and friends feel like they need to tell you "Oh, you need another!" or "Oooh, isn't it time to find a new hobby, like reading at night?" So ultimately, do what makes you happy. Because if you aren't making yourself happy, what are you doing?

  3. I have 4. 2 girls 2 boys. Boy: 12 yrs old twins: 6 yrs old. And my baby girl 2 yrs. I was 17 when I had my boy. Young stupid broke. Which is why I couldn't have another one soon after. It wasn't fair to new baby or my son or to me. So we waited than we tried because my now husband had a steady job. And on the first try. Boom. Twins. No. Shots or help just natural twins. Boy and girl. It was tough. Whenever people say well my kids are 11 months apart its kinda the same, NO! No its not. Twins are connected in a way other siblings aren't. They use that to their advantage. After the twins my husband and I said no more ever!! LOL but I got pregnant. I was on the patch but it still happened. Twins again. My husband was against it but I knew. I was meant to have this pregnancy. I had the same feelings as you. I just wanted one. Against all reason I did. 4 months in we lost one girl. They were identical so same sack. My husband took it as a sign. Its not meant to be. Even my doctor said that late termination was a better choice. The pregnancy was high risk. I was bleeding from the inside. But I knew everyone was wrong. I just felt it. Had my baby girl. A miracle she was. Premature but no problems at all. I knew it. Than 6 months later I was in a car accident. Total hysterectomy at 27 years old. If I didn't have all my kids early I never would. Have had any. My point is it will never be perfect. If it feels right do it. What's meant to happen will don't try to force it. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Good luck.

  4. I've been having the same internal debate for the past 4 months.

    Pros: I love being pregnant, I want a baby, and I don't feel like I'm done.

    Cons: We need our own house, need more money, don't want too much time between kids (my son is 4 and a half, my daughter 21 months), and we'd need a larger car because my tiny Kia Spectra isn't going to fit 3 car seats very easily. Plus, looking into the future, I want to make sure I'll have enough time, money, and energy for each of the kids to do whatever sports and activities they want. My son is currently in skating lessons and wants to start playing hockey in the fall. Looking at the equipment and fees, it's going to cost around $1000 just for the itty bitty kids league and it'll only cost more as he grows up. Plus multiple practices each week, plus games, etc. And who knows what sports my daughter will want to play as she gets older? My husband and I are both adamant that our kids will be allowed to participate in whatever sports they want.

    Right now, our plan is to just have the two. Though, if something happens and we accidentally have a third, I'll be perfectly happy.

  5. I always thought I'd have 4 kids. I had a boy and a girl (they are 10 and 9, now). Then, I lost my health insurance and haven't ever been able to afford really good health insurance again. So, we waited. And waited. And now, I'm 42, and too old. Even if I didn't feel too old, I'm at a place in my business where I can't really be replaced to take time off for a baby. So, I need to face the fact that babies are in my past, and it's really sad.

    I'm grateful to have a little baby niece that I can spoil and love on without the 24-7 commitment. But, I have to let that precious baby go home after a day or two.

    Do it while you can.

  6. I should also mention that I'm torn because my sister has been trying to get pregnant for almost two years now, annnnd nothing. Not even a miscarriage (not saying a miscarriage is good news, but there hasn't even been a loss indicating she can get pregnant.) I don't want to get pregnant before her, and before it was no big deal, because I figured she would be pregnant before I was ready. And now it's like... What do I do?

    She's made "jokes" about how I can't get pregnant before her. I know she's not joking. Don't get me wrong, she wouldn't hate the new baby or anything, but it does make me nervous to tell her when/if we get pregnant just because I would expect her to freak out a little.

    I'm also surrounded by people who think I shouldn't have a third. They have no legit reasons, just "you don't want another." ...Yeah I kind of do. I don't know, it makes me nervous to know if I get pregnant again I won't have many people who are happy for me.
