Friday, March 22, 2013

I meant to have a post up yesterday, but there were some complications (my brother went back to the hospital, he's fine, but basically it really does never end)

Good news, George had both of his surgeries (they had to go in and fix his pacemaker) and he's doing OK.

Better news, I'm finishing the post and it will be up tonight at the latest.

However, in the meantime, I wanted to share this story I came across:

Basically, girl scouts were selling cookies to go to camp. They were told (as a "joke") that they landed this huge deal which allowed them to pay for camp AND make a donation to a homeless shelter. After they ordered the cookies, they were then told "Just kidding!" (apparently whoever pulled this joke missed the memo that jokes are supposed to be funny and not mean and hurtful, especially when dealing with CHILDREN.) And now the troop is stuck with all these cookies and unable to go to camp.

We can help them though. If you're in the Portland area, you can go buy their cookies (I mean win-win, you help them out AND have an excuse to buy more girl scout cookies. Mmm frozen thin mints) Even if you aren't in the area, you can buy a box (or ten) online and the will donate them to a homeless shelter (which is a win-win-win - you don't eat the cookies which saves your diet, you help these girls out, AND you make a homeless person smile when they get girl scout cookies.)

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