Monday, September 17, 2012

Expect a post late tonight or at some point tomorrow - last week was crazy (Cayden didn't want to go to school, then Thursday we took him out of school to have an early birthday celebration for him, then Jer and I finally got a date night on Friday and we were out and about till late Saturday, then Sunday we took the kids to an apple farm, blah blah blah I know, but basically we've been running around all last week and this weekend) I'm not feeling so hot today so I'm trying to chill out a little. I also might bump up posting to twice a week - I feel like we're moving so slowly but I also don't want to over commit, so we'll see how it goes.


  1. My suggestion for you (so that you don't stress yourself out and over commit!) -- leave posting to once a week (as a rule). If and only if you have two posts completed at the same time, give us a "bonus" post in a week -- i.e. two posts in the same week. That way if you are able to post twice, great for us! But if you can't because life gets in the way (which as much as we try to stop it, it often does), no stress on your part and we will still get a post at least once a week :)
